Hong Kong in 5 days

Here is your perfect itinerary for a fantastic and diverse 5 days in Hong Kong! From star restaurants to food stalls, shopping to hiking, beaches to fishing villages, walking tours to spas. Make sure to give this article a read before your trip to Hong Kong!

Interactive Map – United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates are a very new country built out of the desert. Just a few kilometres away from Dubai, the hub of shopping and luxurious hotels, and Abu Dhabi betting on culture, the more traditional

The ultimate guide to Nicaragua!

Nicaragua is still mostly off the beaten path. Exploring this country will lead you to stunning canyons, smokey volcanoes, wildlife-packed cloud forests, out of time islands, friendly communities living from ecotourism and sustainable agriculture, historical cities, diverse beaches, and homey fincas (farms) to stay.

The ultimate guide to Guatemala!

Explore Guatemala! Plan the perfect trip with this free downloadable interactive map leading to pertinent articles with travel inspiration and tips!

The ultimate guide to Laos

Set back by the C.I.A. secret war, Laos has been recovering and is asking to be discovered by you. A real ethnic patchwork, the country is mostly mountainous and irrigated by many rivers fit for traveling. Meet its welcoming tribes, learn the local handicrafts, taste the underrated local gastronomy, motorbike through its stunning and off-the-beaten…